It has almost become an almost universal statement that organisations can only survive if they learn faster than their competitors. This challenge requires a shift from a Quick-fix mentality towards implementing a lasting infrastructure for continuous change. Instruments such as large group interventions or systems such as Management by objectives (MbO) or Continuous Improvement Processes (Kaizen) can assist in designing that architecture within organisations. Change International Ltd. helps clients through development projects, to create an environment which encourages change, and tackles real issues within the organisation. We recognise the need for balance between existing culture and the need for change, while supporting the momentum for this new infrastructure. We support our clients throughout this process until they are in a position to sustain their own further development. A good leader is not only a ’time-teller’ but also a ’clockbuilder’. They leave the organisation with a sustainable management system that can operate itself and also build new traditions
How we helped clients achieve their goals by implementing:
Examples: Steps to implement an MBO-System